You woke up this morning!

Many people do not acknowledge

the little things in life. Especially the most important little thing of them all, opening up your eyes with mental competence each morning. Let's face facts, we mostly cherish the big accomplishments, big milestones, and big events in our lives we place meaning in. We should definitely do this, but many of us fail to realize those "big" moments are made up of many "little" powerful moments we easily forget about.

I admit I am the same way, just going through life not giving respect to my little accomplishments and only focusing on the big life changing goals I need to reach and if I don't reach it, I get easily disappointed. Why do we do this to ourselves, setting ourselves up for pain and disregarding our joyous moments? We hold on to painful experiences far longer than happy experiences.

Remember, YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING and let that sink it because among other awesome things you accomplished, that is unforgettable!


The Love In Loving Relationships


It’s all about perspective.